Explore the Value of Working with a PEO

Senior living communities often find themselves overwhelmed by competing HR demands – managing endless HR tasks, offering competitive benefits, administering payroll, and maintaining compliance – all of which take up a lot of time. Almost seven in 10 business leaders say they spend more than one week per month on HR tasks and duties.1

Have you ever heard of a professional employer organization, or PEO for short? A PEO provides outsourced HR support for businesses to reduce the time and resources applied to HR administrative tasks, such as managing regulatory compliance, and offering and administering employee benefits that are typically only available to larger companies.

HR is complicated, but you don’t have to do it alone. Download our guide to learn how PEOs can help senior living community leaders stay focused on their people and residents and spend less time on HR administration.

1 2023 Priorities for Business Leaders, Paychex.


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